Posts tagged with #rose-gold


    Transforming Tonic alchemist Kira (front) and Poplust druid Briar (back). Briar is holding Kira possessively, her face partially obscured. Kira is curled up on her herself with her cheek resting on her knees, baring a wide animalistic smile. Background text reads 'TRANSFORMING TONIC' and 'POPLUST'.

  • Flower Crowns by DevilDewDrop

    Briar and Kira holding their pets, Longcat Obyn and Griff respectively. Longcat is being held up at the upper body by Briar, their legs dangling. They have a grumpy expression and a flower crown on their head. Griff is being held in Kira's arms, with a flower in its mouth.

  • Rose Gold Sketches

    Kira and Briar ship doodles

  • bite bite bite

    Briar and Kira kissing. Briar has her hands on Kira's waist. Kira has her hands on Briar's cheeks and is standing on her tip toes. A speech bubble with '?!' is coming from Kira, because Longcat Obean is angrily biting at Kira's tail.

  • Gal Pals

    Briar leaning in close to Kira, both blushing and gazing at each other. Kira is holding her alchemist hat to her chest. In the background Corbin is exasperated and yelling 'GET A ROOM', and Griff is open mouth in shock.

  • Understand My Ship - Rose Gold

    Understand My Ship template filled out for Kira and Briar

  • My Darling 💞

    Briar and Kira embracing

  • Goth Kira

    Kira wearing a gothic outfit and Briar looking a bit flustered.

  • Summer Days ☀

    Kira, Briar, Longcat Obean and Griff lounging on the grass on a sunny day

  • Unstable Tonic