Posts tagged with #scoop

  • Bloons Party

    Bloons if it was a Mario Party like spinoff. Gwen, Churchill, and DJ Benjammin are players on the game board. Scoop is standing on a podium with a bloonstone floating above him. Top left: the game's UI with three buttons: 'dice block', 'items' and 'map'. Bottom left: Gwen is holding a large white and green dice block with the '10' side visible. Below her is UI describing the 'Churchill dice block' and its faces (-2 gold, -2 gold, 1, 8, 9, 10). Top right: the players' bloonstones, gold, ranking, and items. Quincy is 1st, Gwen is 2nd, DJ Benjammin is 4th, and Etienne is 3rd.

  • Ice Cream Scoop

    Scoop as a scoop of ice cream on a cone.

  • Scoopy

    Scoop from Bloons

  • πŸ“ΈπŸ±

    Scoop taking a close-up photo of a cat on a wooden fruit crate with his camera. The cat's face is comically taking up the entire view frame.

  • snap