Posts tagged with #not-my-art

  • Flower Crowns by DevilDewDrop

    Briar and Kira holding their pets, Longcat Obyn and Griff respectively. Longcat is being held up at the upper body by Briar, their legs dangling. They have a grumpy expression and a flower crown on their head. Griff is being held in Kira's arms, with a flower in its mouth.

  • Buddy by Megylores

    Buddy standing holding a spanner, on a blue background patterned with circles, crosses and cat shapes.

  • Kira and Briar by Megasocky

    Kira and Briar back-to-back, surrounded by Briar's thorned rose vines. Kira is looking up at the red potion she is holding. Briar is looking back at Kira with her arms out.

  • Mako by DevilDewDrop

    Mako, drawn by DevilDewDrop

  • Benjaquin by Time Jester

  • Hot Jericho by s0meth1ngswr0ng

    Hot Jericho by s0meth1ngswr0ng

  • Battle Maid Quincy by AliasBA

    Battle Maid Quincy by AliasBA