Posts tagged with #cobra-kira

  • COBRA Kira

    Kira as a COBRA agent. Left is her level 1-2 outfit: a black one-piece dress suit with a belt and tie. Her shades are resting on her head. Captioned text: 'Level 1-2,' 'classy,' 'gold shades and watch.'. Right is her level 16-19 outfit, a stripped-down version of the former: a white collar shirt with the top half of buttons undone (exposing her chest), a black vest, an undone black tie, and black shorts. Her shades are worn over her eyes. Captioned text: 'Level 16-19,' 'oop time to strip,' 'camera in collar,' 'classic black thigh high socks attached to garters.'. Additional text: 1. Either an AU or was hired by COBRA for her alchemist expertise. 2. goes out on field missions with Jericho (she learns quick). 3. Fun fact: At one point I considered giving Kira a rifle with potion laced bullets. Now I can kinda reuse that idea lol